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On vices and virtues


I'm pretty sure I have what would be referred to as an
"addictive personality"

Recently, I quit smoking
and replaced it with an uptake in caffine

Trading one vice for another seems to be the most effective protocol I've found
for dealing with these types of situations

And, for now at least,
I'm willing to exchange good sleep
for healthy lungs.

Lately, I've been cutting back on my dependancy on socializing
and throwing myself into my creative projects

Trading one vice for another seems to be the most effective protocol I've found
for dealing with these types of situations

And I figure that if I'm to be cursed
with an addictive personality,
I should at least be able to choose what it is that I'm addicted to
and work it to my advantage

I figure that if follow through in this vein,
eventually all my vices can be turned into virtues